Search engine optimization done right requires a well thought out strategy, relevant content and consistent effort. Is it rocket science? No. Is it easy? Absolutely not.
The key to success is focusing on the business goals. If the goals are clear and the potential upside to a successful online marketing effort is quantified, then you can build a marketing strategy that is optimized for ROI. Building relevant traffic will result in more conversions – however your business defines conversion.
The search engines (and the people behind them) are trying to make search results as relevant as possible. Although there are some proven tools of the trade, there are no silver bullets, and tricks of the trade are simply that – tricks, and do not to work long term. Basically, your online marketing strategy should be one of relevance. Your site’s relevance should really be developed at the page level, as each of your pages should have a single purpose.
How to improve your site’s relevance?
Content. Yes, content is still king… at least a prince. Solid content drives good inbound links to your site. And quality inbound links are a vote of confidence that the search engines tally. Remember, you can have the best content on the web but if you don’t promote it, no one will know… including the search engines.
Keywords. Already have a list of 2,790 keywords you are optimizing for? Don’t kid yourself, the 80/20 rule absolutely applies here (or, in some cases, 95/5 rule). Much has been written on developing a target list of keywords. Work with your online marketing firm or use some of the tools such as WordTracker or Google Keyword Tool.
Anchor text. When links to your site use anchor text that is relevant (in your list of targeted keywords), the search engines read this text as pointers to relevant content. The more certain terms are used as links to your site, the more important your page becomes in the search results for those terms. Again, not rocket science but, all too often, we find inbound links using terms that lack any relevance to the page’s purpose.
Promotion within your niche. Blogs, associations, schools, networking groups and directories. Think about all the players in your industry. How can your site contribute to their efforts? Is there an opportunity to provide some content to a trusted industry site that would result in a link back to your site? This targeted approach pays off in a big way in online marketing.
These are some strategies that simply don’t change with changes in the search algorithms. Stay true to the goal of becoming relevant in your niche and, in the long run, you will be pleased with the results.
Thanks for your insights, particularly the importance of keeping anchor text relevant to the pages purpose and refining keywords. This is going to save us time and make sure we don’t waste any.